
The CiTIUS was founded in 2010 as a Singular Research Center of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the Campus Vida initiative. Campus Vida is a strategic initiative of the University of Santiago de Compostela that supports the academic, scientific, technological and socioeconomic research activity in the Life Sciences and Technologies. It is organized as a Network of Research Centers in the areas of Medicine (CiMUS), Chemistry (CiQUS) and Information Technologies Technology (CiTIUS). In spite of being a newly created Research Center, it is formed by a team of 32 Main Researchers, all of whom have extensive research experience and a broad curriculum in R&D projects and contracts that involve cooperation and knowledge transfer with relevant national and international research groups and companies. Four research units develop their activity at the CiTIUS. These Research units project their research into a total of seven Scientific Programs: HPC and Cloud Computing, e-health, Data Engineering, Ambient Intelligence, Business and Web Intelligence, Robotics and Artificial Vision.
General information related to Santiago de Compostela can be found here:
- Tourism in Santiago de Compostela:
- Santiago Council:
You will be in the right place at the right time! Apostle Santiago Festival [July 15-31]
How to get there... (more official info here!)
Your can reach Santiago de Compostela by plane, train, bus, or even by bike or walking (through the Way of St. James). If you plan to come by plane early booking flights is highly recommended.
- Plane
(SCQ) Santiago de Compostela international airport has connections with many European cities (list of connections) such as Amsterdam, Basel-Mulhouse, Dublin, Istambul, Frankfurt, Geneve, London (Gatwick/Stansted), Milan-Bergamo, Paris, Rome, and Zurich. There are also national connections to Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Malaga,... that could be good connecting locations for your flights.
The list of airlines flying to Santiago de Compostela can be found here!.
The airport is only 10km from the city. There are buses every (aprox) 30 minutes (info buses).
(LCG) La Coruña airport is only around 50km from Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña is the closest coastal city to Santiago. The airport is less than 10km from A Coruña city center, and there are also buses (every 30min, every 1 hour on Sundays) from this airport to downtown. From there, you can travel to Santiago either by bus (1 hour aprox.) or by train (30 min).
This airport is a good choice if you travel from London-Heathrow (vueling airline). It also has also connections to Barcelona, Madrid, and other Spanish cities. (list of connections)
(VGO) Vigo airport's main connections include Bolonia, Dublin, Madrid, and Barcelona (list of connections) . Vigo is around 100Km from Santiago de Compostela
(OPO) Porto airport [Portugal] is one of the main Portuguese hubs and is around 200km from Santiago. It is another possible choice to reach Porto by rather cheap flights (more info here), and from there travel to Santiago by either train or bus (i.e alsa info [aprox 4h.])).
(MAD) Madrid airport is probably the largest hub in Spain. It is around 500km from Santiago. Yet there is rather good train connection: see below. - Train (from Madrid) (Around 5 hours). See info here!.
- Bus (from Madrid) (Around 10 hours!). See info here.