Lecture Slides

School Introduction (Jose R.R. Viqueira)

Linked Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities (Keynote - Speaker: Asunción Gómez-Pérez)

Exploration, Visualization and Querying of Linked Open Data sources(Tutor: Laura Po)

Information Retrieval Evaluation (Tutor: Mihai Lupu)

Big data storage and analytics, including network science and graph stores (Tutor: Genoveva Vargas-Solar)

Interactive keyword-based access to large-scale structured datasets (Tutor: Elena Demidova)

Semantic annotation and expansion for keyword queries (Tutor: Ranka Stankovic)

Collective Intelligence: Crowdsourcing groundtruth data for large scale evaluation in Information Retrieval (Tutor: Sergej Zerr)

Aggregating Multiple Dimensions for Computing Document Relevance (Tutor: Mauro Dragoni )

If you would like to have a look at the lectures slides used in the 1st Keystone Training School click here